Italian Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: diagnostic criteria


1Department of Maternal Infantile and Urological Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; 2SITAC, Società Italiana per il Trattamento dell’Alcolismo e le sue Complicanze, Rome, Italy; 3CRARL Lazio, ASL Roma 1, Rome, Italy; 4ASL Rieti, Rieti, Italy; 5Department of Experimental Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; 6Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology (IBBC-CNR), c/o Department of Sensory Organs, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

Summary. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) encompass a spectrum of clinical manifestations resulting from maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy. This condition presents with diverse anomalies including intrauterine and extrauterine growth retardation, phenotypic abnormalities, cerebral structural anomalies, cognitive delays, and behavioral abnormalities. Regrettably, FASD remains an irreversible and epigenetic condition, with total abstention from alcohol during pregnancy being the sole effective preventive measure due to the absence of a viable therapy. Diagnosis typically occurs postnatally, based on a combination of alcohol exposure history and the presence of aforementioned physical or behavioral abnormalities. The diagnosis is not always easy to make even in the post-natal period due to the different subtypes of existing FASD. Indeed, only some of these subtypes cause behavioral or neurodevelopmental abnormalities in the absence of pathognomic physical anomalies. Although the diagnostic criteria are useful, unfortunately, there is a heterogeneity resulting from the different guidelines that are used in different countries. The aim of our review, based on a literature search of online databases including Medline, Medline Complete, PubMed, and Google Scholar, is therefore to provide an overview of the diagnostic criteria used in Italy.

Key words. Alcohol-related birth defects, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, fetal alcohol syndrome, pediatrician, prenatal alcohol exposure.

Linee guida italiane per la diagnosi e il trattamento dei disturbi dello spettro feto-alcolico: criteri diagnostici.

Riassunto. I disturbi dello spettro feto-alcolico (FASD) comprendono una serie di manifestazioni cliniche derivanti dal consumo di alcol da parte della madre durante la gravidanza. Questa condizione si presenta con diverse anomalie, tra cui ritardo della crescita intrauterina ed extrauterina, anomalie fenotipiche, anomalie strutturali cerebrali, ritardi cognitivi e anomalie comportamentali. Purtroppo, la FASD rimane una condizione irreversibile ed epigenetica, con l’astensione totale dall’alcol durante la gravidanza come unica misura preventiva efficace a causa dell’assenza di una terapia praticabile. La diagnosi avviene in genere nel periodo postnatale, in base a una combinazione di anamnesi di esposizione all’alcol e alla presenza delle suddette anomalie fisiche o comportamentali. La diagnosi non è sempre facile da fare anche nel periodo postnatale a causa dei diversi sottotipi di FASD esistenti. Infatti, solo alcuni di questi sottotipi causano anomalie comportamentali o neuroevolutive in assenza di anomalie fisiche patognomoniche. Sebbene i criteri diagnostici siano utili, sfortunatamente, esiste un’eterogeneità derivante dalle diverse linee guida utilizzate nei diversi Paesi. Lo scopo della nostra revisione, basata su una ricerca bibliografica di banche dati online tra cui Medline, Medline Complete, PubMed e Google Scholar, è quindi quello di fornire una panoramica dei criteri diagnostici utilizzati in Italia.

Parole chiave. Difetti congeniti correlati all’alcol, disturbi dello spettro feto-alcolico, esposizione prenatale all’alcol, pediatra, sindrome feto-alcolica.


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) is an umbrella term1-6 that encompasses a range of conditions caused by prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) such as:

• Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS): this is the most severe form of FASD and is characterized by a specific set of physical, cognitive, and behavioral features7,8;

• Partial Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (pFAS): some diagnostic systems or clinicians may use the term “partial FAS” to describe individuals who exhibit some, but not all, of the characteristic features of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome9;

• Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND): this category is used when there are central nervous system abnormalities (CNS) and cognitive or behavioral impairments but without the physical features associated with FAS10;

• Alcohol-Related Birth Defects (ARBD): this category may be used when physical abnormalities are present without the characteristic facial features of FAS11.

Notably, the terminology and diagnostic criteria may vary across regions and medical professionals12-15. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) includes criteria for Neurodevelopmental Disorders associated with PAE, but it doesn’t use the specific term pFAS16-19. Clinicians may use a combination of features and assessments to diagnose individuals within the broader FASD spectrum20. In particular, FAS is considered one of the most severe outcomes of PAE21. The developing fetus is particularly vulnerable to the effects of alcohol because alcohol crosses the placenta and can interfere with the normal development of the baby’s organs and tissues22.

The key features of FAS include:

• facial abnormalities: children with FAS may have distinctive facial features, such as a thin upper lip, a smooth philtrum (the groove between the nose and upper lip), and small eye openings;

• growth deficiencies: FAS can lead to growth problems, both before and after birth. Babies born with FAS may have lower birth weight and length23;

• CNS abnormalities: alcohol exposure can affect the development and function of the central nervous system, leading to cognitive and behavioral issues24-29. Children with FAS may have learning disabilities, developmental delays, poor impulse control, and attention problems7,30;

• organ dysfunction: alcohol exposure can also affect the development and function of various organs, potentially leading to heart defects, kidney problems, and other abnormalities.

Furthermore, the severity of FAS can vary, and not all individuals with prenatal alcohol exposure will exhibit the same set of features10,15,31,32.


The epidemiology of FASD involves studying the incidence, prevalence, risk factors, and distribution of these disorders in populations33. Accurate epidemiological data can be challenging to obtain because FASD encompasses a spectrum of conditions, and not all affected individuals may be diagnosed30. Additionally, underreporting and misdiagnoses can contribute to the complexity of obtaining precise epidemiological figures34,35.

The prevalence of FASD varies across different populations and regions; estimates suggest that FASD is a global health concern, with prevalence rates ranging from 1% to 5% in certain high-risk populations35,36. However, these figures may not capture the full extent of the problem due to underdiagnoses and varying diagnostic criteria37.

PAE is the primary risk factor for FASD, along with others such as timing, frequency, and quantity of alcohol consumption during pregnancy36,38. Maternal age, socioeconomic status, and access to healthcare may also play a role31. FASD is often underreported and misdiagnosed due to a lack of awareness, limited access to specialized diagnostic services, and the variability of symptoms; many individuals with FASD may not receive a diagnosis until later in life, if at all11,39.

Efforts to improve the understanding and surveillance of FASD include increased awareness among healthcare professionals, enhanced prenatal education and improved access to diagnostic services. Early identification and intervention are crucial for providing support and improving outcomes for individuals with FASD. Ongoing research and public health initiatives aim to address the challenges associated with the epidemiology of FASD and enhance prevention and intervention strategies. According to a 2011 study based on 607 children born in 7 hospitals in different Italian regions, the prevalence of PAE was found to be 7.9%. As highlighted in the ISS press release dated September 1st, 2021, in 2011 the prevalence estimates of FAS and FASD were 1.2 and 63 per 1000 live births, respectively35,40,41.

According to the WHO Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health 2018, countries in the European Region exhibit the highest prevalence of alcohol consumption during pregnancy (of any quantity), averaging at 25%. Even more alarming is the data indicating that in 2.7% of cases alcohol consumption occurs in a “binge drinking” manner, i.e. “drinking to get drunk”, the most harmful form of intake, especially with regards to FASD42,43. The prevalence estimates of alcohol consumption among pregnant women mirror the alcohol intake of the general population in the country under investigation, similarly to the varied prevalence estimates of FAS and FASD across different populations and studies within the same community35,44. According to recent WHO estimates, 65.5% of women of childbearing age in the European Region consume alcohol, and given that almost half of pregnancies are unplanned (42%), the risk of alcohol consumption during the early stages of gestation is very high45.

Given the clinical heterogeneity, our review aims to identify the comprehensive diagnostic criteria for FASD used in Italy. The literature for this review was sourced from online databases including Medline, Medline Complete, PubMed, and Google Scholar, utilizing search terms such as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, fetal alcohol syndrome, prenatal alcohol exposure, and alcohol-related birth defects. The objective of our work was also to provide healthcare professionals with an overview of the different existing guidelines with particular attention to those currently used in Italy.


The primary and well-established cause of FASD is PAE. Alcohol crosses the placenta and can impact the developing fetus at various stages of pregnancy8,46. The risk is present at any time during pregnancy, and the severity of the effects may depend on factors such as the timing, amount, and pattern of alcohol consumption47. The effects of PAE can vary depending on the timing of the pregnancy. Critical periods of vulnerability exist when specific organs and systems undergo crucial development8,48-51. For instance, the CNS is particularly sensitive to alcohol exposure throughout pregnancy21,52-56.

A dose-response relationship exists between the amount of alcohol consumed during pregnancy and the risk and severity of FASD. Higher levels of alcohol consumption are typically linked with an increased risk of adverse outcomes47,57. However, not all individuals exposed to alcohol during pregnancy develop FASD, indicating significant individual variability in susceptibility. Factors such as genetic predisposition, maternal health, nutritional status, and other environmental influences may contribute to this variability13,57.

The mechanisms through which alcohol inflicts damage on the developing fetus are complex and multifaceted. Alcohol can interfere with cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation, thereby resulting in structural abnormalities in organs and tissues58,59. Additionally, it can disrupt neurotransmitter systems in the developing brain, affecting cognitive and behavioral functions60. FASD should be considered a preventable condition, with abstention from alcohol during pregnancy being the most effective preventive measure61. Early and accurate diagnosis of FASD is paramount for offering appropriate interventions and support for affected individuals and their families62-64.

Diagnostic criteria

The diagnostic criteria for FAS typically encompass a combination of physical, developmental, and behavioral features23,37. These criteria may exhibit slight variations depending on the diagnostic system or guidelines employed by healthcare professionals33,37,39,62,65-73.

Over the years, different guidelines for diagnosis have been developed by different research groups including:

• the Institute of Medicine Guidelines (IOM)74;

• the 4-Digit Diagnostic Code75;

• the Hoyme Updated Clinical Guidelines37;

• the Canadian FASD Guidelines76;

• the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines77;

• the British Medical Association Guidelines (BMA Board of Science)78;

• the Australian Guide to the diagnosis of FASD79.

The absence of universally accepted diagnostic criteria on an international scale renders the diagnosis of FAS/FASD a complex, continuously evolving, and ongoing challenge8,31,37. In Italy, the diagnosis is based on the Hoyme criteria, with the latest updated criteria from 2016 presented in tables 1-437.

In Italy these criteria have always been preferred to other guidelines for greater completeness in making the clinical diagnosis. This is probably also due to the fact that they are very rigid and precise criteria and therefore the risk of underestimating the pathology is reduced compared to other guidelines.

The presence of these features aids clinicians in making a diagnosis of FAS; nevertheless, not all individuals with PAE will exhibit all of these characteristics, and the severity can vary61,80. Consequently, healthcare professionals may use terms such as “pFAS” or “ARND” to describe a range of outcomes associated with PAE31,34,64.

Hence, diagnosis involves both clinical examination and subsequent laboratory testing, also including exploratory diagnostic techniques such as brain magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound scans of the brain, heart, or kidneys64,81,82. Among genetic tests, comparative genomic hybridization on microarrays, or Array-CGH, is recommended to identify DNA anomalies that may underlie various pathologies30,58,60,83. In general, the guidelines mentioned above share four common diagnostic criteria: the presence of dysmorphological signs, growth defects, documented exposure to alcohol, and the presence of cognitive/behavioral disorders21. What distinguishes the various guidelines is the starting point for data collection. The IOM and Canadian guidelines consider data collection related to dysmorphological signs and alcohol exposure, while the Australian ones are based on information regarding the individual’s cognitive and behavioral functioning, supplemented by collecting information on documented exposure to alcohol39,72,84,85. Table 5 shows the criteria for defining the alcohol consumption during pregnancy35,86.

In addition to the international guidelines, the DSM criteria can also be used, which in its fifth edition87 included FAS within the diagnostic category: Neurobehavioral disorder associated with prenatal alcohol exposure (ND-PAE)47,67. Individuals who meet the criteria for a diagnosis of FASD according to the IOM guidelines may also meet the criteria for ND-PAE42,88. Unlike international guidelines, the DSM-5 employs two criteria to establish a diagnosis: disorders of CNS functioning (cognitive and behavioral) and data concerning fetal exposure to alcohol21,89,90.


Diagnosing FAS requires a comprehensive assessment by healthcare professionals, which includes physical examinations, developmental and behavioral evaluations, and obtaining a detailed history of PAE. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial in providing appropriate support and services for individuals affected by FAS91,92. Given the absence of a genetic test, as FASD is of epigenetic origin, and the lack of specific and standardized biomarkers for detecting patients with FASD, diagnosis remains challenging for physicians. Furthermore, the lack of a unique diagnostic guideline also presents challenges in diagnosing FASD. In Italy, the Hoyme guidelines are preferred due to their comprehensiveness, which enhances diagnostic accuracy while minimizing underestimation of the pathology46,77.


Implementing a uniform global guideline would be highly beneficial in ensuring an adequate and consistent number of diagnoses. This study aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of some of the most commonly used guidelines, with a particular focus on those frequently applied in Italy, such as the guidelines proposed by Hoyme and his collaborators.

While these guidelines currently appear to be the most comprehensive and effective in minimizing diagnostic underestimation, we acknowledge the challenges in establishing global guidelines. Therefore, we recommend that further studies and collaborative efforts are essential to develop at least homogeneous guidelines.

*Interdisciplinary Study Groups: Sapienza Università di Roma, ISTAT - Istituto nazionale di statistica, AIDEFAD - Associazione Italiana Disordini da Esposizione Fetale ad Alcol e/o Droghe, SITAC - Società italiana per il trattamento dell’alcolismo e delle sue complicanze. SIFASD - Società Italiana Sindrome Feto-Alcolica, ISS - Istituto Superiore di Sanità, SIPPS - Società Italiana di Pediatria Preventiva e Sociale, FIMMG-Lazio - Federazione Italiana dei Medici di Medicina Generale Lazio, SIMPeSV - Società Italiana di Medicina di Prevenzione e degli Stili di Vita, CIPe - Confederazione Italiana Pediatri. Adele Minutillo, Alba Crognale, Alberto Chiriatti, Alberto Spalice, Andrea Liberati, Angelo Selicorni, Antonella Polimeni, Antonio Greco, Arianna Barzacchi, Camilla Di Dio, Duccio Cordelli, Francesca Fanfarillo, Francesca Tarani, Giovanni Corsello, Lina Corbi, Luca Cavalcanti, Lucia Leonardi, Camilla Perna, Lucia Ruggieri, Luigi Meucci, Marco Lucarelli, Maria Grazia Piccioni, Maria Pia Graziani, Mario Vitali, Marisa Patrizia Messina, Martina Derme, Nunzia La Maida, Patrizia Riscica, Sabrina Venditti, Sergio Terracina, Serafino Zangaro, Pier Luigi Bartoletti, Silvia Francati, Simona Pichini, Stefania Bazzo, Stefania Pipitone.

Conflict of interests: the authors have no conflict of interests to declare.


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